Friday, August 6, 2010

Dividends Pick For August 6

I always enjoy seeing stocks that are very consistent from day to day, especially when I am considering them for their dividend earning potential.  Consistency means that I don't have to do any fancy math to figure out if they are only good earners a small fraction of the time.  No fancy math needed with this stock:
126.350e to Mike Clement about 18 hours ago.
126.350e to Mike Clement about 1 day ago.
126.350e to Mike Clement about 2 days ago.
106.400e to Mike Clement about 3 days ago. 
Who is it, you ask?
Gonzalo Novoa (e)KILOTR

1 comment:

  1. I agree, (e)KILOTR is a great stock! And you're not so bad yourself, (e)SHADAX!
