An incredibly quick answer (correct answer) from Doug (e)DARING quickly finished off this round, with the answer that the quote is indeed from "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
Go and pay Doug a visit at
The full passage was:
Questular: Don't you think this many ships is a bit, oh I don't know - excessive?
Kwaltz: The provisions are clear. Under subsection 37a these are the forces we deploy to protect the president in the case of an attempted or actual kidnapping - and these are the forces we deploy to apprehend any intentional or actual kidnapper.
Questular: You are aware, Commander, that the President kidnapped himself.
Kwaltz: Hence...
Questular: Do you have any idea how ridiculous this is?
Kwaltz: I don't have ideas Mr. Vice President. I just do what I do.