Monday, July 12, 2010

Stock Pick for July 12

I'm back, with a few good stock picks for you today.  First up is:

Jade Rocks (e)JADE
Like a lot of people, she skyrocketed in the past 24 hours, and hasn't dropped back down any.  She has a good number of buys throughout the day, and very affordable at under 20ea.

Hector Wally (e)WALLY
A nice slow and steady rise over the past few days, and very affordable at 15ea.  He has few buys throughout the day so be careful, a lack of activity could be deadly

Carolina L (e)DORY76
Not just a pretty avatar =)  A bit expensive at 28ea, but lots and lots of buys throughout the day, so much more likely to be stable.  A 3ea jump since last close, and looks like that is only the beginning. 

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