UPDATE: Shadax's picks +3.085
Looks like AMYM went a bit stagnant, again. I saw only a +0.22 increase, assuming you got out at the right time. After I sold, stock dropped sharply. EPORT is still looking good now, I saw a +2.471 increase up til now, I'm not telling you when to sell, you can figure that for yourself =) ES also saw a bit of a drop today, did you get out when the getting was good? I saw a small +0.394 increase.
Sorry the picks for today are so late in the day, but hopefully you can still get in on some nice finds! Just remember, tommorrow is the weekend, so by the end of Saturday many people will start dropping like flies! Here you go:
#AMYM is the first pick, She is just starting to pick up after going silent til Wed.
( I bought in at 10.53ea)
#EPORT is pick #2 for today. Relative newcomer with lots of twitter activity make this a good bet.
(I bought in at 11.993ea)
#ES (Electronical Suicide) is the last pick for today. They have twitter and facebook hooked up, as well as a blog and RSS feed. They are relatively new, but as soon as we see some blog activity show up, great returns should follow!
(I bought in at 11.840ea)
May the Force be with you! EAVB_MKPHNVVBPZ